Sameness In The Giver

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“Our people made that choice to go into Sameness. Before my time, before the previous time, back and back and back. We relinquished color when we relinquished sunshine and did away with difference” (Lowry 95). In the novel The Giver by Lois Lowry, people in the community have sameness. It is a world filled with no choice. It is a world that is colorless. It’s a world filled people who have no clue what pain and love is. Although jobs and families are great aspects of the community, the rules play a larger role in the people’s society by how they think and or act. To begin, when people become of age they can get a job. People get paid and that helps the economy. There are many jobs offered in the world. When people get a job in our society they…show more content…
In this dystopian community they do something very similar. The chief elder holds a ceremony, tells a small story about them and their childhood, and congratulates them. The chief elder even thanks them. To illustrate, “ … the Chief Elder looked down at him and said the words that she had said now four times, and would say to each new Twelve. Somehow she gave it special meaning for each of them. ‘Asher,’ she said, ‘thank you for your childhood” (Lowry 56). The ceremonies are held to help encourage people and to help people feel welcome. In contrast, this dystopian world does not have to go to college. At age twelve they get their jobs and still go to school. They do not know anything about the job until they get there. For instance Jonas asked, “... I was only assigned, I mean selected, yesterday. I am not anything at all. Not yet” (Lowry 75). The children go from school right to their job. They do learn eventually how to do their…show more content…
Just some are different or expressed in different ways. In both societies people learn how to ride a bike. They learn how to balance and turn. Though, in the dystopian world people had to wait until a certain age. “The children all received their bicycles at Nine; they were not allowed to ride bicycles before then”(Lowry 13). There is an age limit for learning how to ride a bike. If people did not follow it, they could suffer consequences and have to apologize. Unlike our society where people can start to learn at any age. There is no law saying what age people can learn how to ride a bike. To add on, both societies have dreams or stirrings. Stirrings start at a certain age around twelve. In the text it states, “He remembered that there was a reference to the Stirrings in the Book of Rules, though he didn’t remember what it said. And now and then the Speaker mentioned it. ATTENTION. A REMINDER THAT STIRRINGS MUST BE REPORTED IN ORDER FOR TREATMENT TO TAKE PLACE” (Lowry 37). In the dystopian society children must report the stirrings. When the children do report the stirrings, it is the rules to take pills that prevent the stirrings from happening anymore. Our society we do not have to report stirrings and people do not have to take pills for them. Lastly, there is the law about lying. In the dystopian society Jonah and the rest of the people in the society were not to lie at all. If they did, they would have to

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