Work Life Balance Case Study

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3.1. Work-life balance In accord to Torrington et al. 2005, in some instances practices of work-life balance have been revealed to raise morale, reduce absence and elevate levels of job satisfaction. Usually with the right balance within work and leisure, employees are less tired, working more effectively and increased performance levels have also been found. - Nestlé The Nestlé management team with the ROCKs (Recreational Club, Reaching Out to Community & Kids) Program, encourage work-life balance through the opportunity given to all level of employees to participate in employee gathering’s, family day, community activities, sports activities and others. Nestlé seems recognize the importance of finding the balance between being at home and…show more content…
Therefore, social responsibility should involve every social aspect that a company has an impact, for instance, environmental, human rights, fair trade, etc. (Edward and Rees, 2006) - Nestlé Still according to Edward and Rees (2006), due to business that was nationalized in 1970s, Nestlé charged the Ethiopian government in $6 million. The government, despite being in famine, offered $1.5 million and the company refused. Few days later, after facing a disaster in its public relationships, Nestlé accepted the offer and converted it to be handed to famine relief. This is a good example how Nestlé faced in a international issue, showing that its business responsibilities is more than profits and adherence to the law. Aiming the success over the years and adding value for shareholders, Nestlé creates value for society or also called “creating shared value”. The company aims to create new and greater values to areas it can have a big impact, therefore, Nestlé deals with local and global issues related to rural development, water and nutrition. Helping to address these issues, Nestlé uses its power to do partnerships and the joint benefits in countries of its shareholders and where it operates. -…show more content…
In order to make them able to live abroad and to live different cultures, Nestlé exposes its potential expatriates to different international assignments. At Nestlé, expatriates work for a long term, carrying out two or three year’s assignments abroad, living in different countries, mostly in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and Latin America. During the training that happens before the international assignments, Nestlé’s employees also have the chance to attend courses at the Nestlé International Training Centre (Rive-Reine in Switzerland), becoming familiar with various its practices and technologies. - Philips 3.4. Diversity According to Dietz and Petersen 2006, diversity can have positive effects on business performance but it depends on how organizations are engaged to this, for instance, with training and emphasizing diversity as one organizational value. - Nestlé Nestlé is working hard to incorporate every community to which its employees belong and diversity has been applied in what the company does for years. Nestlé believes that the diversification sharpens its performance and gives a competitive advantage, for Nestlé, promoting diversity is an social responsibility. In the same way, believing that the company will only achieve its potential if all of its employees achieve as well, Nestlé certifies that it is making the best of its talents, both women and men, providing same opportunities

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