Audiology Career Research Paper

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When I became a Communication Sciences and Disorders major and decided to pursue a career as an audiologist, I did not anticipate the amount of times I would be asked what Audiology is. The number of people that are ignorant to this field perplexes me because a person must use their ears every day for infinite reasons. These sensory organs are crucial for communication and even a minor hearing loss can have a disadvantageous effect on one’s lifestyle. Explaining the role of an audiologist is a task that I have become accustomed to. I clarify that an audiologist is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of various ear irregularities including hearing loss or balance disorders. These state-certified clinicians can work with people ranging…show more content…
Judith Creuz, further solidified my decision to become an audiologist. We participated in a class lab where we got to perform hearing screenings on each other, used otoscopes with cameras attached to view the ear drum, and learned about various types of hearing aids and how to properly fit them. I also had the honor of sitting in on a few of Dr. Creuz’s sessions at the audiology clinic located on the Penn State campus. I observed the process of using a questionnaire to learn the client’s case history, symptoms, and potential causes for the hearing abnormality. Dr. Creuz then performed a series of tests including the otoscope exam, the audiometer test, a speech recognition and understanding test, a bone conduction test and a tympanogram. I learned that the duties of an audiologist requires lots of knowledge on the subject and is constantly challenging due to the many dynamics, but it also gives one an enduring sense of fulfillment. My fascination with hearing loss, the anatomy of the ear and the procedures involved in this career are only the foundation of my desires to become an audiologist. While all the understanding to be learned about audiology captivates me, the most appealing and rewarding part of being an audiologist, is the potential to serve others in need. Hearing loss is something taken for granted by many and those suffering from loss must adapt to these changes which can be overwhelming…show more content…
I was placed into the NYC foster care system when I was eight years old and as strange as it may seem, that traumatic event is the best thing that has happened to me. I consider myself incredibly wise beyond my 21 years in the sense that I realized at a young age your life is what you make of it. I was thrown into a toxic environment that I had absolutely no control over and was given two choices from there; use my negative circumstances as an excuse to feel sorry for myself or work hard and demand something more from life. I chose resiliency. Statistics have never been on my side and say that less than 5% of children in the foster care system graduate from college. I decided early in my academic career that I was not going to be one of those grim statistics. I graduated with honors from high school while working part time. I have been financially responsible for myself since the start of my undergraduate studies and balance a full academic course load along with 20-25 hour work weeks at Chipotle. I take pride in the fact that despite changing my major junior year, I am still graduating on time. I realize that pursuing an AuD requires extreme dedication, focus, and hard work; all attributes that I have mastered to get to this point in my life. My strategy for overcoming the high demands of this program is to do what I have always done- work hard and believe in myself.

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