Importance Of Accounting Skills In Accounting

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Abstract In studying in college, students acquire knowledge as well as different skills in their program. In accountancy, aside from concepts and theories, students under this program learn different accounting skills. This paper aims to identify the accounting skills learned by accountancy students in De La Salle Lipa, the applications in their own life and the ways they do to improve these skills. From conducting an interview with the accountancy students in De La Salle Lipa, the researchers discovered that there are a lot of accounting skills accountancy students learned in which critical thinking skill is the most popular. While among the different activities students do, managing expenses is where they mostly apply the accounting skills…show more content…
Mon Gerald Garcia I can answer questions quickly, efficient and effective. Accounting skills cover like your analytical skill and your handwriting skills can be improved too. I also learned how to analyze, critical reading, critical writing, and critical thinking, that’s true yes, problem-solving. - answering questions quickly - analytical skills - critical reading - critical writing - critical thinking - problem-solving 3. Baby Lyn Rafol Accounting needs critical thinking and logical reasoning. It is more on business topics. I learned logical reasoning, critical thinking, and analyzing transactions. Also problem-solving, using calculator and advance studying. - critical thinking - logical reasoning - analytical skills - problem-solving 4. Junell Eric Carandang Accounting is more on discussions and harder than other skills. I learned how to pro-rate, how to apply give and take relationship in business. And of course, critical thinking and reading. - critical thinking - critical reading - pro-rate - applying give and take relationship 5. Kate Camille Belen It is more useful in business matters. I have learned budgeting money for savings. I also learned bookkeeping, cash flows, accounting principles, balance sheets, and financial reports. -…show more content…
The respondents want to improve the accounting skills they learned from various ways so that these skills will help them to have a better life and make things easier for them. Most of the respondents mentioned of applying and practicing their accounting skills for improvement. Just like in critical thinking, according to Evangelista (2007), it does not always come naturally so it needs to be work on. Buenaflor (2004) also said that critical thinking needs to be improved in order to apply it in life. Improvement of such skills have several practical reason why it is important to be developed in college students. First, in college, the focus for students is on higher-order thinking which is demanded by the program and the professors. Second, it also help students avoid making poor personal

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