Why Is Every Child Matters Important

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Every Child Matters (2003) The every child matters legislation 2003 role is to safeguard the security and well-being of the young person, from birth to teenage years. Every child matters has contributed to the lives of millions of children, they improve their lives by given the children and young people a positive influence, improving their health, providing them safety, and last but not least giving children a good life. Every child matters hold five very important values, where they will uphold, the act every child matters is an act which is health and safety of the individual. To make a positive influence as well as succeed. It is vital that young person or child can have a say when it comes to decision making. The aims of this organisation are to help every child no matter what their situation, nationality and ethnic background. As a result from this, it has helped young people and children receive the best care and support possible. This help benefits everyone especially young people and children, this also gives the young person or child the best chances in life and equal opportunities.…show more content…
In addition to this the young people and children will reach their goals and aspirations in life. Documentation cornering about venerable children is collected so that strategies are made to help the young people and children. Children’s commissioner was the first in England in 2005. The role of this was so that young people and children can be given support and help. But a downside to this is that the help been given is already provided by the families already, so it not effective. They also may not like people intervening with their
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