The Three Branches Of The Law-Making Process

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The law-making process ensures a law has the best responsibility it can; influencing to such bills potential. The three branches of government, legislative branch, judicial branch and executive branch work together in order to maintain a sufficient government. Each of these three branches use a checks and balances system to balance the federal power. Under this system “each of the three branches of government can limit the powers of the others this way, no one branch becomes too powerful”(factmonster). The law-making process is complicated, enforcing a system that tries to perfect bills before they become a law. The two branches involved with the United States law-making process are the legislative branch and the executive branch. Using the checks and balances system, the executive branch checks the legislative branch when the president is able to disapprove of a bill and send it back. The legislative branch sends the bill they pass to the president while in this process they are being checked. However, in this process both the legislative and executive branches check while also checking.…show more content…
A bill is first written up as a proposement, then it is shown to a committee in which specializes in the bills particular area. Amendments can then be made before it is recommended. The bill is given to one chamber, and then voted by that chamber. If enough people vote for the bill it is passed over to the other chamber. If both houses have agreed and have voted for the bill it is sent to the executive branch or the president. The president can either sign off on the bill making it become a law, send it back to the houses with obligations, or veto the bill. If the bill is vetoed that veto can be overruled if from both the Senate and The house of representatives a 2/3’s majority vote to pass; than in which case the bill will become a

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