Safeguarding Issues In Nursing

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Safeguarding is a broad issue within Child Nursing as there are numerous forms of abuse. Abuse, as defined by the Department of Health (DoH, 1999), can be divided into four categories; physical, emotional, sexual and neglect. “Almost one in five children today has experienced serious physical abuse, sexual abuse or severe physical or emotional neglect at some point in their lifetime” [Safe Network, What is Safeguarding?, 2011]. When dealing with a safeguarding issue it is important not to stereotype, we have to remember that people uphold different beliefs regarding parenting. Building a strong relationship with the patient is imperative, trust has to be an important feature of the Nurse-Patient relationship. Abuse is damaging, this specifically…show more content…
People with learning disabilities are unable to fully comprehend what abuse actually is; they may not be able to differentiate between what is right and wrong. It is the role of nurses to ensure people with learning difficulties can understand information on the treatment they’re receiving so that they are able to speak up and be listened too. [Safeguarding Adults with learning disabilities] Nurses can act as an advocate or provide any special requirements they might need for example the use of Makaton. Learning disabilities can be measured at either end of the scale from being particularly mild to very severe. Nurses must be aware that they have to cater for every patients specific needs. The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS), part of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, was written with the intention to ensure that people with learning disabilities are looked after in a humane manner. ‘The safeguards should ensure that a care home, hospital or supported living arrangement only deprives someone of their liberty in a safe and correct way’ Essentially everything must be done in the best interests of the patient, the actions of health professional and carers should not be of any detriment to the patient. DoLs sets guidelines for nurses in how patients in their care should be treated. The human rights act [2000] furthered the freedoms that all people rightfully have. The purpose of this act is geared towards doing/achieving what is in the patients best interests. In relation to the safeguarding of people with learning disabilities the act encourages not only equality within patient treatment but also good nursing practice/care of learning disability
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