Why Do Video Games Cause Violence

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In one of Christopher Barlett’s recent studies he tested two groups, one playing violent video games and the second playing non-violent video games. After 15 minutes of playing the first group showed signs of aggressive behaviors unlike the second group. Other studies have also come to the same conclusion, playing violent video games even for short periods of time can result in change of behavior at least for the first couple minutes after playing (1). Moreover, other researches showed that similarity between video games and television might cause them the same physical effects resulting from TV shows such as obesity and seizures. (2) Moreover, according to Deepa Kartha (3), the effects of video games depend on whether the child is playing age appropriate games and also on the amount of time spent playing. Parents should pay more attention to the age limit on the cover of the video game and they should also monitor…show more content…
By the beginning of 1980’s its evolution has started and they had become an attachment and every child’s favorite leisure activity. However, adults did not respond well to this evolution and were more concerned with the effects video games had on their children. As with this evolution the word violence has become a synonym to video games and it has become the number one concern to adults. Questions have arisen about the relationship between video games and violence and no evidences were given that video games do cause violence. “I don’t know that a psychological study can ever answer that question definitively” “we are left to glean what we can from the data and research on video game use that we have.” Michael R. Ward. Researches were conducted to show the relation between video games and violence, they were classified into three categories: short-term experiments, long-term studies and correlation studies. The short-term experiments were laboratory based, while the long-term were based in

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