Computer Games: The Positive Effects Of Video Games

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Video games have gotten a bad rap in the media but according to you will find statistics that show that 68% of those who play games increase their response time and the way that they accomplished tasks. Video games are used to interact with other teens and gamers to gain social status and some say to escape from reality. Even though video games may be violent and spending too much time on them may cause weight gain, Video games have more positive than negative because they relieve stress, they improve hand-eye coordination, and they improve critical thinking skills and social interaction. First, Video games have more positive effects than negative because they relieve stress. Gaming is…show more content…
People say that games are just mindless and just a waste of money that will mess up society, but what they don't understand is that it isn't a waste. Games are actually what can bring people closer together some say that on a rainy day when you can't go outside with your family you can always sit inside and play a game with the family like Pictionary, Monopoly, SCrabble, Jenga, all family bonding games but also video games could be, Father and son bonding games could be Madden, Nba 2k,…show more content…
Child obesity is a huge problem today and one of the reasons for that is kids don't believe they need the 30 min of exercise daily and they would much rather stay inside and play video games daily and interact with their friends online. Michelle Obama has an amazing world-wide initiative called “Let's Move” it encourages kids to stay fit and active in many ways. They have demonstrated many ways for kids to be able to play the games they want but they also show ways that you can stay active. They have also partnered up with many schools for this and they are all about increasing physical activity time throughout the

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