Negative Effects Of Video Games

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Video games are harmful to adolescents With the number of 80% 12-17 years old adolescents in America own a video game console, video games become the leading type of electronic entertainment among the society. Nowadays, video game grows into a common free-time activity for many young people. The adults and moreover the society now have more concern about the effects of video games on teenagers. Video games negatively related to the development of social skills. As playing video games require the player to pay close attention to the game, it will be really hard for adolescents to go out and join social activities. As the teenagers get older, they are becoming a part of the social community. Social perception, impression management, persuasiveness,…show more content…
It is easy to see that video games make teenagers hardly stop after only 1-2 hours playing. In fact, addiction to any kind of things includes video games coming from the desire to continue with the activity, the loss of control and also the constant attention which video games are designed for. All video games come up with a storyline which make the player want to follow it stages after stages. This is one of the most important reasons why people can easily addict to games. Addiction to games can lead to many problems include academic. Academic achievement is negatively affected by spending time in playing video games. Teenage is the time for adolescents to study for their future career. This is one of the most important periods of life. There is one big reason for not spending time on video games is that adolescents can use more time to talk with their friends, discuss school works and learn from each other. During study time, they can do more activities such as talking, exchanging ideas. Moreover, they can make more real friends, gain social communication skills and strengthen the relationship. With games, even online games, the friends or communication only appear online and people barely know about each other. Studies have shown that the more time a kid spends playing video games, the poorer is his performance in school. (Anderson & Dill, 2000; Gentile, Lynch & Walsh,…show more content…
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