Annotated Bibliography: Video Game Violence

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Marty Silvers Candace Miller ENG 111 15 October 2014 Annotated Bibliography Rationale For our third writing project, I will boldly venture into the darkness of video game violence and its effects on our youths. In the core reading, “Indian Education” by Sherman Alexie, Victor, a young Indian boy, is bullied and tormented by his classmates. I can associate with this aspect of early school life as because as an adolescent I was tormented and teased also. This aspect of the story led me to wonder about what causes students and youths to be violent also, what has caused the recent spike in school shootings. Therefore, I decided to ask the question, would media cause youths to be violent? Since the word, media, is too broad of a spectrum, I narrowed…show more content…
Do violent video games cause children and teens to be violent also? 2. Is there a connection between the recent spike in school shootings and video game violence? 3. Who is responsible for what video games children and teens play? 4. Should video games have a more strict rating since it is interactive unlike movies? 5. What are the differences between the violence in video games compared to other media? 6. Are video games be developed for training purposes? Annotations Elizabeth K. Carll, “Violent Video Games: Rehearsing Aggression,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, vol. 53.45 July 13, 2007. The Writer: Elizabeth K. Carll is a Council of Representatives member for the American Psychological Association, representing Division 46 (Society for Media Psychology and Technology.) She graduated from Hofstra University in 1978 and has twenty plus years’ experience as a Psychologist. For more than 30 years, Carll has helped numerous individuals including children and teens overcome self-defeating behaviors and become more resilient in the face of life’s…show more content…
1 source of news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators. Based in Washington, D.C., The Chronicle has more than 70 writers, editors, and international correspondents. The Chronicle is a nine-time finalist for the National Magazine Awards, and one of its columnists was a finalist for a 2005 Pulitzer Prize. The Summary: This is a testimony by Elizabeth K. Carll before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Property Rights. This testimony is pertaining to “What’s in a Game? State Regulation of Violent Video Games and the First Ammendment.” The Stance: In this testimony, Carll ends with a neutral stance leaning more towards being against video games but offers different ways to educate the public about video game violence in order to decrease violent behavior in youths. The Use: This testimony describes how violent video games and aggressive behavior link to children. This testimony also provides a wide array of solutions and discusses positive roles for video

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