Violence In Hockey

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Patrick Maxwell Mr. Frey Adv. Comp September 29th, 2015 The Safety of Violence While society pushes to child protect the world, what may seem like the safest option can be the worst. Hockey is a violent sport. No wording exists to make it sound safe, and no wording ever should. Of course a game with men running around with knives on their feet and clubs in their hands holds a danger, but removing fighting will not change that. The removal of fighting from hockey, a movement which has slowly gained steam since the start of the twenty-first century, will not make the game safer as much as it will instead make it more dangerous for the players. A game of such speed involves a certain intensity, a passion that can often cross a line and often…show more content…
In the 21st century, especially the past four years, there has been a steady decline in fights in the NHL leaving many fourth line plugs and grinders such as Paul Bissonnette and George Parros out of work this season. This is a result not only of changes in play style but also in changes in the rules. Padding has been added to the fighting bylaws which restrict the removal of helmets in fights, staged fights, and force players to wear visors drop the rate of fights each year. While these rules have been put in place with a good intention, to lower the concussion rate, they have a negative effect on the game. While taking fighting out seems safe, in reality it takes away a policing system which provided repercussions for goon type antics that can come from such a high intensity sport. What stands in the way to stop the 6’9” defenseman from ending Patrick Kane’s career with a knee to knee hit when the ref is holding grinders Carcillo and Shaw out of the way? This eye for eye mentality has been part of the reason players take the cage off their helmet when first given the option. While eliminating fighting appeals to those trying to cut away any danger at its source, the repercussions create a more dangerous game then there was to begin…show more content…
As rules are put in place with the idea of protection for players they instead limit the showing of skill and finesse as cheap shots and dirty play flood the game. Fighting acts not only as a way for players to bond and to lose their pent up emotion but also as a way to add protection to players and give justice to those who play with an intent to injure. Fighting has been and will always be a vital part of
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