Essay On Gender Equality

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Introduction Well I chose this topic because I am personally a big believer in Gender Equality, and that we should all have the same rights and privileges and not be judged by gender, and especially not disrespected or discriminated.When I was researching about all the Goals, I found a picture (Appendix 1)saying that basically 67 countries have had either a female president or prime minister, and one of the biggest territories, wasn't one of them. The United States. Now while thinking of a question, this one was always at the back of my mind, as I have always wondered about it, but I thought it was too general. But when you actually look at it, it can be quite a small topic, but wide at the same time. I feel like this is a topic that can have…show more content…
Many people that are unaware of global issues think that there is peace all around the World and there is zero discrimination or violence between the various genders, yet some people think the opposite. Both of these opinions are correct but sadly, there is more inequality than equality. There are some very developed countries,and Iceland was ranked number 1 and Norway, Finland, Sweden and Ireland followed in second, third, fourth and fifth place, according to economists and researchers for “The…show more content…
If a male athlete wins three silver medals and one bronze and a women gets a silver one and two gold ones, there is a big chance that the male will come out of it with a larger amount of money. Fourteen sports, including sports like rugby and hockey, do not pay any money to women, yet they do to men. In football, if men play for the world Cup, they get 22m pound and women get around about 630,000 pounds! That is a huge gap, and the female team may be considerably better than the male
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