Work As A Spiritual Practice Summary

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The book “Work as a Spiritual Practice”, written by Lewis Richmond, aims to have its readers experience inner growth and satisfaction through a Buddhist approach. Although it has a linear sequence, the author suggests skipping around in a way that works for you in order for you to absorb his lessons better. Personally, I have enjoyed reading the book and have found it quite helpful. I have noticed that I have tied the author’s advice into everyday experiences as well. Although the book is pretty straightforward, I still have a few questions about it. One thing I have enjoyed about the book is the experiences I have had when using Lewis Richmond’s approaches to certain situations. Since I’ve began reading this book, I noticed that I tend to think about situations more critically than I used to. This book has shown me how to analyze a situation before I react. For example, I got into a disagreement with my…show more content…
Rather than angering either of us anymore, I took Richmond’s advice of figuring out the “why” of my anger in order to figure out “how” to solve it. At the beginning of the argument I felt like I had been wronged, but rather than adding fuel to the fire I remembered from my reading that as long as I keep feeling like I had been feeling wronged the argument would continue. In the end, we both used the disagreement as a learning experience to grow from it. One of my favorite parts so far is the section on failure. I have been a perfectionist since I was a young girl and I tend to take situations a lot harder than I need to; this has consistently taken a toll on my mental health. As I’ve matured I’ve found ways to cope with
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