What Is San Francisco Bay Area?

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The San Francisco Bay Area is one of the most attractive places to live in America. Great weather, wonderful universities, beautiful green spaces, and a strong job market all combine to bring more people to the area every year. However, the cities are overcrowded and the tech conglomerates who offer jobs throughout the region become bigger every year. This means more employees, and more people looking for housing. For example, in the last year, an additional 47,500 jobs were created in San Francisco. However, the number of new housing units in the city only increased by 1%, or only approximately 3500 units. Furthermore, for much of the Bay Area, rental prices are up about 50 percent since 2010. There are not enough places to live, and the price to live in the available housing is rising dramatically. This puts even more pressure on the 800,000 people living below the poverty line in the area, who cannot afford housing. One of the most basic necessities, a safe place to live, is withheld from the grasp of these citizens.…show more content…
The corporation that invests in self-driving cars, balloon internet, and drone delivery is proposing a new “Project SubCity.” Project SubCity will build an underground city that will take advantage of all the land below people’s feet that currently has no use. A certain well-regarded Google VP has privately indicated that the thousands who constantly worry about paying their rent may now be able to move underground to find an affordable place to stay. Google earns high praise for innovating new solutions for large societal issues such as

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