Fighting In Hockey Essay

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“Anybody who says they don’t like fighting in the NHL have to be out of their minds.” This quote by Don Cherry expresses a large number of people’s thoughts on the debate of whether or not fighting should be allowed in hockey. However, in “What’s Pro Hockey got to do with world peace?”, an article written by Raffi Cavoukian, Raffi has the opposite approach to fighting in hockey. In the article, Raffi argues that fighting should be removed from hockey because of the injuries it causes, the focus it takes away from the game itself, and the fact that we, as a country are known to be peacemakers. Most injuries that occur in a hockey game do not derive from fights. Raffi argues that taking fighting out of hockey will reduce the number of injuries that happen during game. This was not a good argument, because fighting is not what causes the most, or the worst injuries. The injuries that occur the most often and are the most severe are the hits. The hits are the worst because…show more content…
Aren’t there other ways to outdo the competition? Outwit them, for example?” This quote from Raffi’s article expresses the idea that hockey players should not result to fighting the opponent to beat them but rather just outwit them instead. The issue with this point is that violence and instigating fights is certainly a method of outwitting the opponent. A strategy used by many teams is to get in the other teams heads by instigating fights and throwing them off of their game. In fact, a lot of teams have specific players thats role in the game is to instigate fights, normally with their stronger players, to get the player frustrated and give themselves a little bit of an extra edge. Raffi says that fighting in hockey takes away the focus from the actual game of hockey itself. What Raffi fails to realize, is that fighting has been a big part of hockey ever since it first started. So taking out a big part of the game certainly does not focus more on the

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