Transformational Leadership Analysis

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In order to propel teams or the organization forward organizations ought to put emphasis on the concept of leadership when training the managers or group leaders. The presence of transformational leaders is most urgent because they will focus on enhancing and motivating their followers. These leaders will motivate their followers and guide them to accomplish group performance; and at the same time, facilitating the followers to be proficient in performing the tasks assigned to them. Transformational leadership who are focus on delivering the five basic elements that will trigger the transformation. According to, Bernard Bass (1985) these elements, are valuable tools to the “transformation” process. According to Bass and Riggio (2010), managers…show more content…
This element indicates to the charismatic behaviours of the leader that emphases on instilling values, enhancing beliefs and commitment to the sense of mission (Antonakis et al., 2003). These leaders act as role models and display a charismatic personality that influences others to want to become more like them. It is through this concept of idealized influence that the leader builds trust with his followers and the followers in return, obtain the confidence of their leader. According to Bass & Riggo, 2010) in these aspects, the leader has empowered his subordinates to create trust, he is seen as a role model by the followowers, and thus the followers would be motivated to excel in their…show more content…
According to Sarros & Santora, (2001) the transformational leader formulates a clear visualization of the organization’s future, convey probabilities of the organization and exhibit a commitment to the goals that have been laid out for the group to accomplish. Inspirational motivation is thus the encouragement given by the leaders to foster the awareness of his followers about the organization’s mission, vision, and being committed to the vision is a key factor to be considered. Additionally, Bass and Riggio (2010) further clarifird that this element of transformational leadership requires an excellent ability to communicate, as the leader must deliver his messages with accuracy and a sense of power. Other important characteristics of the leader include his sustained eagerness, thirst and ability to identify the positive aspect of organizational visions and goals. Northouse (2013) claimed that the late Steve Job of Microsoft was a fine example of a leader who uses inspirational inspiration to motivate his employees because he was able to focus on followers efforts to achieve more than they would in their own self-interest through inspirational

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