Transformational Leadership Theory

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In this rapidly changing business environment, leadership is more important than ever. The present organizational focus on revitalizing and transforming organizations to meet competitive challenges ahead has been accompanied by increasing interest among researchers in studying transformational leadership. Such leadership is necessary for quickly identifying new market opportunities and for developing appropriate competencies within the organizations. To understand leadership it is essential to search across various sectors and disciplines and this show how vast is the available literature on this. Even after number of research in number of years it has been impossible to agree on a generally accepted broad theory on leadership. The issues are…show more content…
It creates a valuable and positive change in the followers with the final goal of developing followers into leaders. Enacted in its authentic form, transformational leadership enhances the motivation, morale and performance of followers through number of mechanisms. These mechanisms include connecting the follower's sense of identity and achieve the mission and the collective identity of the organization, being a role model for followers to inspires them, challenging followers to take greater responsibility for their work, and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of followers, so that the leader can asign followers with tasks to optimize their performance. Burns (1978) ,as cited in Bass (1999 ) developed the concepts of transformational and transactional leadership. In the article, transformational leaders are defined as “the leaders who uplift the morale, motivation, and morals of their followers while transactional leaders cater to their followers’ immediate self-interests. The transformational leader emphasizes what you can do for your country while the transactional leader emphasizes on what your country can do for…show more content…
The leader has to play an important role in transmitting values (Kouzes and Posner, 2002). Congruence in values between leader and follower forms the strategic and moral foundation of authentic transformational leadership (Bass and Steidlmeier, 1999). Transformational leadership is a relationship where in leaders’ and followers’ purposes, which might have started out as separate but related, become fused and leading to greater leader-follower congruence in value
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