The Pros And Cons Of National Education

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Where there has children, there must have a sophisticated education system to cultivate the young generations becoming one of the pillars of the society. Apart from languages, sciences and moral education, national education is also a vital element to galvanize students recognizing further about their family, city, country and the world [1]. Some express the government should execute their responsibility to introduce genuine China current situations for widening students’ horizons as well as constructing the sense of belongingness which the nowadays educational system cannot provide. Nonetheless, a portion of citizens embrace multiple national identities and current teenagers’ study workload is relatively ponderous compared with previous era. This essay will organize and address bilateral opinions as well as express my view as a conclusion. One of the rationales of the affirmative side is that schools embrace responsibility to introduce correct, accurate information and statistics to students so as to…show more content…
As Hughes and Stone observed [3], “The 1997 transfer of sovereignty, though, has also meant that a Chinese identity has had to be imparted to children in Hong Kong”, implying that to unify their heart towards China by educational means might encounter rigorous challenges as their original citizenship might not be Chinese. Statistics from Public Opinion Poll, The University of Hong Kong tells us 63.7% [4] of 1003 interviewees [5] in January to June 2015 opt Hongkonger with Hongkonger in China as their identities, which apparently proofs the difficulties to ignite their spirit of enthusiasm to our country. Having undergone 152 years of colonial history by the British, Hong Kong people has evolved their unique citizenship – although the boundary of China is nearby Shenzhen River, we might still feel distant in our
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