Advanced Directives Advantages

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Advanced Directives Usage Who has the right to decide when to end life sustaining measures? Is it the individual, the health care provider, or the government? This has been an ongoing debate for many decades in the healthcare field. Advanced directives were suppose to be the simple solution to this dilemma. However, this simple solution has become very complicated and has evolved over the years. According to Watson et al. (2010) end-of-life care highlights the following issues: competency, persistent vegetative state, living wills, best interest standards. Oftentimes people, including nurses have a difficult time speaking about end-of-life care. Advanced directives should be a legal document that allows a person to decide their wishes about…show more content…
There are many pros and many cons to the issue, but I would like to begin with the cons. One issue is that the law of advanced directives varies from state to state. There is no universal law on the issue. Beirevic et al. (2010) states "The Texas Advance Directives Act of 1999, also known as the Texas Futile Care Law, allows healthcare facility to discontinue life-sustaining treatment against the wishes of a patient or a guardian ten days after giving written notice because their doctors think the case is hopeless". Advanced directives are rarely followed in emergency situations. According to Watson et al. (2010) in most states during emergency situations patient's DNR order is not appropriate for EMS providers, they are required by most states to attempt…show more content…
Varelius et al. (2011) states "Issuing an advance directive is a way for a person to try to secure that her life proceeds according to her autonomous plan if she becomes incapacitated". It is not unusual to see that some mentally incapable patients are able to make decisions and able to communicate their needs and wishes. However, according to Dempsey et al. (2014) "A recent study of care home staff revealed their inclination to protect residents by not discussing end-of-life issues, and highlighted their fear surrounding such emotive communication, despite knowing it would be beneficial". Although, there are many cons to the issue I believe the pros outweigh the cons. I believe the most important pro is the patient's wishes get carried out. Advanced directives are meant to preserve patient's autonomy. The individual can freely decide on the treatment options they may or may not wish to receive. According to Varelius et al. (2011) "Issuing an advance directive is a way for a person to try to secure that her life proceeds according to her autonomous plan if she becomes incapacitated". A patient always has the right to change their preferences in care if they choose

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