The Internet: The Pros And Cons Of The Internet

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The internet was created on January 1, 1983 but it was not until 1990 that Tim Berners-Lee, a computer scientist, invented the world wide web, resulting in an increase in all sorts of different crime. Ever since, the world wide web became popular, Many crimes have started taking place, such as theft leaked information through hacking and sexual harassment through identity fraud. In general, the internet greatly increased the amount of theft, leaked information, and sexual predators. One of the first known hackers went by the name of Kevin David Mitnick. Mitnick was born August 6, 1963, and is an American computer security consultant, hacker, and an author, but was well known for his arrest in 1995 for many hacking and communications-related crimes. He was…show more content…
The internet has enhanced this generation and has allowed many young older people to learn in a wide variety of ways. The internet does have many cons, but it also has its pros. There are over 100 million people focused on other forms of the internet rather than the negative side of the internet, these people are known as “cyberheros” (Klisanin 1). There was an article titled “People Who Support Good Causes on the Internet Are Cyberheros” written by Dana Klisanin stated, “Embodying a transpersonal sense of identity, as ideal forms, the cyberhero represents individuals motivated to act on behalf of other people, animals, and the environment, using the Internet and digital technologies in the peaceful service of achieving humanity's highest ideals and aspirations, e.g., world peace, social justice, environmental protection, and planetary stewardship....” (Klisanin 1). This only proves that, yes, the internet has allowed people to use it for positive sides and for the better, but it still made a drastic increase in crime of all

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