The Epic Of Gilgamesh And The Noah Story Analysis

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When closely examining the story of the Biblical flood, it is essential to point out that there are many other flood stories in Ancient Near Eastern cultures. In fact, there are actually up to sixty-eight different cultures with stories of a great flood! In addition, it is also important for the examiner to see how each flood story affects and influences one another. For example, it is evident that Babylonian culture heavily influenced the writer of the Biblical flood story, which was made hundreds of years after the making of the Babylonian story. One of the greatest examples of this is in “The Epic of Gilgamesh”, a Babylonian story that includes a story of a man called Utnapishtim, a man some would like to say is similar to the character Noah in many different ways. One simple example of…show more content…
However, there are quite a few things in the film that are interpretations of the author and not exactly direct adaptations. For example, in the Noah movie, the Watchers play a prominent part in the narrative and are some of the beings that help Noah and his family board the Ark. In the Biblical Noah story, the Watchers are only mentioned in a brief section and are never mentioned again, meaning that they never play that important of a role in the original version.Another difference between the movie and the Biblical story is how each of Noah’s sons took a wife with them into the ark. In the movie, only Shem has a wife (Ila) and his brothers Ham and Japheth don’t have wives. This is another major important detail left out of the movie, which leads to a series of events that end similarly to the Biblical story, but also different in a few ways. In the end, at its core, the Noah movie is very similar to the source material, but in relation to both the obscure and important details the movie is based on, it either changes or modifies them to an

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