The Importance Of Teaching In Teaching

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For many years, students are just the receiver of a teachers’ knowledge. The students are the receiver while the teachers are their source of information. Resulting to the students being spoon-fed by the teachers and even student’s learning can’t be controlled by the students themselves. With the traditional teaching style that teachers use, the teachers and the students doesn’t have any interaction because the teachers are the one who is responsible for all the decisions with concern to the curriculum, the types of teaching styles that they are going to use and the different form of assessing the student’s performance therefore preventing the students’ educational growth. But today teacher-centered learning has been replace by, a new teaching…show more content…
Making most of the students in the classroom in the passive reader mood wherein students just try to memorize what their teacher taught them not knowing if they understand the knowledge they try to memorize. Greenwood (1984) exclaimed that the “explain-practice-memorize” kind of strategy is the source of the mathematics anxiety of the students, since it has more emphasis on memorization, while they don’t give enough emphasis on the understanding and reasoning part. The problem in this kind of strategy is that teachers are influencing students’ perception in math that the said subject is just a limited set of rules and problems. In the opposition, Skemp (2003) said that the student-centered learning approach in math is a concept of “knowing what to do and why” since it is an approach where the students are the focus of the learning process. Preparing the lessons based on the intended lecture and students participating actively in the class are just some of the few situations where student-centered learning approach is present. It is emphasized that in a student-centered learning approach, students are seen to be more motivated and more prone to learning important skills such as critical thinking and problem solving (Zakaria & Iksan, 2007; Johnson, Kimball,…show more content…
Others theorize that changing the teaching styles used by the instructors will help increase students’ self-efficacy in a subject just like in Math. Shannon & Allen (1998) stated that children who find math difficult may lead to them doubting their problem solving skill. This doubting of own ability is linked to self-efficacy, the sense that one person is competent and effective in accomplishing tasks. Providing a wide range of resources to the students isn’t enough to increase one’s self-efficacy because if they are held back by their fears, worries, and low-self-efficacy then their performance will suffer. So what we need is a teaching method that will focus on the student’s learning and increasing the student’s self-efficacy in mathematics. It is in the hands of the teachers on how they can increase the self-efficacy of the student by successfully implementing the student-centered learning approach. It is important to address self-efficacy of a student so that students who have low math self-efficacy may think that they are incompetent and ineffective when it comes to math activities and thinking mathematically. It seems that evaluating and considering student’s self-efficacy can give the teachers an idea about the students’ academic performance that

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