Importance Of Teaching Pronunciation

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One of the objectives for this study was to determine the students’ perception on their pronunciation. The results indicate that majority of the students are aware of their pronunciation problem. The participants were asked if they were aware of their pronunciation problems. Based on the finding, most of them reported that they know their pronunciation problems. However, not many of the students stated that it is difficult for people to understand their pronunciation. This might be due to the fact that students are aware of their foreign accent and they might sometimes have problem to express themselves well. Next, most of the participants reported that they are not good at intonation and stress, at producing sounds that are absent in their…show more content…
A part from that, Laidlaw (2005) states in her handbook, teacher‘s passion in his/her subject is what inspires students the most. If the teacher love the subject, then it‘s more likely that the student will too. Therefore, lecturers have to think on how to produce appropriate tasks and activities to students‘level and how to catch their attention as well. This can be a new and creative way in attracting students to use the English language particularly in pronouncing the words that they are unfamiliar with and motivating them to give more focus in their learning process. Next, one of the favorite strategies students use in learning pronunciation indicates that paraphrase is the most preferred strategy even though it is not a pronunciation learning strategy. That means, paraphrasing is one of the strategies that can be used to overcome communication problem. Moreover, most of the students prefer to ask a native speaker when they do not know how to pronounce a word and if native speakers are not available, they learn pronunciation of words through media like TV and radio. Thus, ESL/EFL teachers should using media in their classes to help students improve their pronunciation by exposing them to real input. In addition, the students are aware of their first language interference in pronouncing English language sounds. Therefore, teachers need to put emphasis on the pronunciation differences between students’native language and target language as much as possible. Teachers also need to focus on the pronunciation of the

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