Importance Of Teaching In Teaching

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MR. HAMEED TEACHING PHILOSOPHY IMPORTANCE: Mathematics is a subject which provides great support not only to science but also assists other subject as well. It keeps concrete base towards the studies full of reasons and logic. Such a challenging subject which has never been in others. Hardly any subject can exist without the support of this subject. TEACHING PHILOSOPHY: As a Math teacher, I want my students to participate actively in classroom discussion which shall lead them to be creative and critical in learning. They gain much knowledge whenever they are engaged in active inquiry. I believe to innovate their old skills and push them into new solutions of Mathematical questions such that from easy to difficult. CONCEPT…show more content…
Why do we need to learn higher standard Maths? Even we can move our life just to know the Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. What is the function of algebra in our daily life? The respected teachers had tried their level best to inject us about the function of x,y,z either I could not pick it or the teacher had a limited knowledge about algebra. Mathematics is a dry subject, but on the other hand it is the “ Key of all Sciences”, or “ the Mother of…show more content…
Throughout my career, I have had the opportunities to interact with at all stages of life, from grade school to college and to the University both in the class-room and individual. Children can be controlled by the teacher’s appearance, mood, keeping them busy, divert their attention, referring to the principal, oral threat, but adult control is different from that of children. Adults can be controlled through the ability of a Teacher in his/her subject, trust, Personality impression,neat and tidy, regularity and punctuality, psychologically, politically, pay respect and get respect. After applying these good manners more than 80% - 90% students will be controlled otherwise we can use legal authorities such as starts from, Individual advice, Verbal warning, warning letters, referring to the councilor, Triangular meeting (parent, teacher and student). That’s how I try to keep control over my
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