Fresh Food Cold Chain Literature Review

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failure in the cold chain could cause excessive ripening, weight loss, softening, color and texture changes, physical degradation and bruising, and attack by rot and molds. These factors affect freshness, desirability, and marketability. Strict temperature control throughout the supply chain can minimize the risk of food-borne illnesses because low temperatures drastically reduces the growth rate of most human pathogens (Ukuku & Sapers, 2007). Depending on the temperature requirements we can identified four groups of products (Fernie & Sparks, 2004): • Frozen is -25ºC for ice cream, -18ºC for other foods and food ingredients. • Cold chill is 0ºC to 1ºC for fresh meat and poultry, most dairy and meat-based provisions, most vegetables and some…show more content…
In the beginning of this chapter, several important concepts were defined. After that, the perspectives on the fresh food cold chain have been shown. Generally, the perspectives on the fresh food cold chain can be divided into two main categories: cost based perspective and effectiveness based perspective. In addition, other perspectives on the fresh food cold chain have been introduced. In the following chapter, Empirical Findings, the questions on the questionnaire will be answered according to the information that were collected from the face to face and telephonic…show more content…
It has been pointed out that decision-making was considerably influenced by research in the relevant area, while the project objective stands for the role played by research in project identification, feasibility and project implementation. There was a corporate policy for any organization, which was linked with the corporate objectives and organizational philosophy, culture, and climate. As research findings influence corporate policy, research has conspicuous role in shaping organizational philosophy, culture and

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