The Importance Of Effective Teaching

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Effective teaching is a demanding achievement pursued in educational areas. Student-centered approaches seem to increasingly gain the stakeholders attention, while common goal of these approaches is to increase the students' participation and engagement to the learning process. Interaction & effective usage of students' feedback are identified among the key factors in achieving this goal and information technology could not be left out of educational environments. Web technologies and mobile devices are brought into the educational institutes and many opportunities are arisen, if they are creatively used. On the side of students, the perception of good teaching is not definite and the traditional approaches in the concept of getting students'…show more content…
Pair discussions, minute-papers, electronic-response systems are some commonly used techniques, while the newer instruments come from computer networking and ICT practice [4]. The effectiveness of these techniques is still on stake, various contrasting opinions exist, but in general conclusions regarding interactive lecturing are found positive. Lecturers identify strong advantages like increased student engagement and the immediacy of feedback, while drawbacks like time consummation & reduction in course content are stated [4]. Students, on the other hand, point out the importance of teacher's adoption to the feedback he may get through any of the aforementioned techniques. Class participation enhances learning by experience and it is a key factor of effective teaching [1], but requires motivation. Students seem to be especially motivated to participate, when it is clear that they can influence the learning process, and this is preferred compared to remaining passive recipients of knowledge…show more content…
The most common aspect regarding having students assessing processes is concentrated on teacher assessment. Non objective factors, like personal fondness, are involved, while students lack of scientific background regarding learning activities assessment[2]. However, their involvement to the assessment processes enhances their feeling of influencing the learning experience. Regarding the gathering techniques on students' feedback, questionnaires is the most often to be used, while other techniques like student representation on staff-student committees, special group discussions, student interviews, or log books are also utilized. Whatever the method used, motivation for participation is the key issue again here. In order to achieve that, central role to the assessment process places the specific return back to students of the results of the assessment, as well as the actions to be taken according to the feedback indications, and subsequent evidence on

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