The Importance Of Teaching In Education

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Charlotte Danielson is a well-rounded educator who has acknowledged and experienced the existence of the obscurities of teaching. Teaching has present itself with many intellectual demands. Quality teaching is a necessity to make our learning culture and environment a place where the students can reach and stretch their highest potentials. With this in mind, Ms. Danielson carefully curved a teaching framework to foster a well-defined and meaningful conversations about effective teaching practice. The framework offers ready-to-use forms and instruments which provides comprehensive advice and clear procedures for how teachers and other school staff can integrate and incorporate the framework to help them improve and advance their professional…show more content…
These professionals have confirmed its value and worth in the education world. It supported the importance of offering quality teaching to every learner who steps in the classroom by giving high regards to evidence of teaching. Our nation’s education needs superior teaching. Teachers are held as the highest influence for our students to achieve brilliance in education. It is imperative for them to utilize the most effective teaching methods to attain a powerful learning environment. Even if it calls for them to change their teaching viewpoints or institute a new teaching concepts to successfully play their role of improving their teaching quality. Fulfilling their task of educating our learners is their utmost goal. By focusing on the sources of evidence of teaching and learning such as direct observation and concrete examination of artifacts, teachers can skillfully design learning experiences and develop suitable assessments. Teaching is a method while educating is an aim (Shengji, Hongmei, and Yimin, May 2009). Educational professional experts believe that good teaching constitutes excellent practice and must demonstrate the evidence of that practice because good teaching is not a mystery as written by…show more content…
To meet these challenges schools, require educators to be continually assessing data and implement a thorough analysis of the available teaching evidence. With the continued technological changes, educators must remain to be in fidelity with effective educational practices by evaluating the efficacy of their very own classroom skills and practices. With the presence of teaching and learning complexities, educators must learn to dive in and fully understand their students and utilize the available evidence to come up with comprehensive decisions for the educational wellness of students. Reaching the highest potential of each student is the paramount goal of any teacher. The teaching framework is not solely appraising the teacher performance. Its most influential contribution to the educational world is to stimulate professional wellness when properly utilized and applied. The tendency of overturning its significance has high possibility which will result in badly damaging the morale of a teacher professional. Accordingly, the framework suggests to determine the essential factors which will provide the anticipated result of deepening a teacher professionalism. It offers ample sources on how to sustain organized and meaningful professional conversations. Having scholarly discussions about how teachers can convey fairness to the classroom for students to succeed. A clear

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