The Importance Of Success In My Life

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For the vast majority of my life I didn’t believe I could do most of the things I wanted to do. I knew I wanted to be in a relationship, but I feared that if I got into one I’d do something to mess it up. I wanted to perform on Broadway, but even moving to New York City didn’t give me the courage to audition. I wanted to be a writer, but I thought it was far too difficult to get published and therefore didn’t even try until my late twenties. Maybe you’ve never been as unsure of yourself as I used to be, but you can likely relate to that feeling of wanting to do something but feeling terrified to start. This not only limits your potential in life; it also minimizes your ability to make a positive impact on the world around you. There’s…show more content…
4. Trust your capabilities. Confidence comes not from knowing you know everything, but from knowing you can handle what comes up. ~Donn King No one in the world knows everything. Everyone is good at some things and not so good at others. Don’t weigh your security against what you know or can do; weigh it against your willingness and capacity to learn. If someone criticizes you, take it is an opportunity to improve. If someone does better than you, see it as an opportunity to learn from them. If you fall short at something, realize you can get closer next time. Don’t worry if you’re not confident in what you can do now—be confident in your potential. 5. Embrace the unknown. Confidence comes from a space of humility. It is spawned when we dare to see the world through an alternate lens. It grows when we have the courage to embrace the experience of the unknown and the unknowable. ~Hana Lee People often think confidence means knowing you can create the outcome you desire. To some extent it does, but this idea isn’t universally true for anyone. No matter how talented, smart, or capable you are, you cannot predict or control everything that happens in your
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