Internship Report: Internship Experience In Modern Industry

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SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM IN MODERN INDUSTRIES Submitted in partial fullfillment as the requirements of Post Graduate Program in Management By AVDHESH CHAUHAN 15BSP2168 (2015-2016) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost I would like to express my thanks to God because of his love and strength. The internship opportunity I had with MODERN INDUSTRIES was a great chance for learning and professional…show more content…
D.K. Sharma( H.R. Manager) who inspite of being busy with his duties, took time to hear the problems, guide and keep me on correct path. I want to thanks Mr. Ashish (Asst. Executive ) who also helped and provided solutions whenever required. I express my deepest thanks to Dr. Sombala Ningtnoujan for helping in decision making and fruitful advices and guiding me in my internship period. I want to thanks my Father Dr. C.B. Singh and my mother Mrs. Munesh Kumari for their kind love, support , affections and motivation they give me everyday during my internship. Last but not the least I want to thanks my friends Divesh Singh, Prateek Nigam , Anurag Sharma and Many more who always support me in each and every difficult situation and whenever I need them they always make their attendance…show more content…
 It helps in treating all employees fairly and equally.  There is less scope of biasedness.  An employee is bound to do work according to the policies.  It also set the standard of behavior for every employee to follow in the organization There should be clear and consistent statements of the policies regarding all conditions of employment and procedures for their equal and fair implementation. In order to fulfill this objective, policies and procedures should be: • Clear and specific, but provide enough flexibility to meet the changing conditions. • Comply with all appropriate law and regulation. • Agree with one another and reflect an overall true and fair view approach to all employees Policies should be designed to improve employee productivity through such means as recruitment, compensation, performance, evaluation, training, record keeping and compliance. HR policies should be developed for key HR management functions covering eight commonly accepted responsibilities 1. Compensation and Benefits. 2. Employee and Labor Relations. 3. Employment Practices & Placement. 4. Workplace Diversity. 5. Health, Safety and Security. 6. Human Resources Information

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