Essay On Sexual Assault In School

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Sexual assault can be defined as any sexual attempt to obtain a sexual act, unwanted sexual comments and advanced acts towards a person of a different gender or otherwise directed against a person's sexuality using force by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any location including schools, homes, work or any other location. Sexual assault is a crime regardless of race, age, and gender. South Africa experience a rape crisis of which the rate of reported rapes in the population is double of that of the United States. South Africa is one of the most violent societies in the world. In 2015, internationally, South Africa was ranked 147th out of 162 countries for having the worst levels of what is called societal safety…show more content…
However, here are some of the possible solutions schools can implement in order to reduce sexual assault in schools as Pemede and Viavonu. (2017,20) suggested installing cameras in the school premises , drug and alcohol detectors, whereby the cameras will be positioned in every corner of the school even inside classes and offices of which will be monitored each and every day to tighten school security, the drug, and alcohol detectors which will be at the gates of the school will scan and detect forbidden substances as a security guard will monitor the system and ensuring that no learner enters the school premises with drugs or alcohol. Although this solution would be successful and progressive if the government and third parties would supply the schools with relevant equipment as the majority of schools are disadvantaged financially. It has been proven that Schools with such security measures have a shown reduced number of sexual assault incidents in schools. Therefore, there will be no learners who will be under any influence whatsoever as the schools will be drug and

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