Being Successful In Thirty Years Research Paper

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Success is defined differently by each individual, but my vision and definition of success is unique compared to many others. Success seems like a difficult idea to measure, however, I believe that being successful in thirty years consists of being a valuable individual, dedication to education, and by being an asset to society. I believe that these components are necessary to have in order to consider myself successful due to the fact that each component focuses on each part of life, such as self reflection, importance of education, and contributing in numerous ways to society. During the next thirty years, I know that my relationships and my image will be critical to maintain because that will aid in numerous aspects of my success. By doing these things daily, I know that in…show more content…
Society needs hard working people and people who are willing to put their time into their careers to better the lives of others, which is what I want to do. I am hoping to be the best I possibly can through my dedication, knowledge, hard work, and leadership to improve the lives of others in society to be able to feel successful in the future. I will be an individual who will give the greatest effort and work the hardest to better others and myself in all situations in order to benefit society. My goal is to gain further education and to give back to society in as many ways possible to help better the lives of others around me. In my community, I’ve dedicated over two-hundred hours to help younger students and athletes through volleyball and academic settings because I’m very passionate about both and I intend to continue to give time to others like this, wherever I may be in the future. By doing these things, I can easily become an asset to society and better the lives of others around me and hopefully instill the same vision in those who are around

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