Tony Dungy's Quiet Strength

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“God’s definition of success is really one of significance—the significant difference our lives can make in the lives of others,” (Dungy, pg. 144). I chose to read and reflect on the book, “Quiet Strength,” by Tony Dungy because I was familiar with Dungy as a football coach as well as his charity work—particularly with the organization, All Pro Dad. While the book told a lot of stories about Dungy’s football journey, I was most surprised by the depth of his faith and his journey of finding his significance through his Savior—even in the darkest moments of his life. The first chapters of the book chronicle Dungy’s years growing up, including his natural athletic ability and the struggles he experienced as an African-American in leadership in the…show more content…
The book chronicles the importance of a Bible study they did together on Nehemiah. Dungy recalls three important life lessons he took away from this study: the first was that Nehemiah’s opportunities didn’t come in his own timing but rather, in God’s timing. Second, Nehemiah learned to prepare his mind and heart so he would be ready for God’s timing. Finally, Nehemiah prepared for the problems and doubt that he would experience and because he did so, he was able to lead people through times of doubt and adversity. Dungy explains that the lessons he learned in that Nehemiah study provided a crucial foundation for him when he struggled in his career and in his personal life. I have never studied the book of Nehemiah but I am now definitely going to do so over the summer months as I prepare for “real life” after Baylor. I have no doubt that there will be challenges as I embark on my future. I believe the glimpse of the lessons learned in Nehemiah can be helpful for me when challenges arise, discouragement takes ahold of me, or when I become impatient with God’s timing and

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