Interpretivism Theory In Sociology

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The paradigm of this research was interpretivism; where the researcher gave importance to the beliefs and values to give justification of the research problem (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2009). With the help of this philosophy, the researcher focused to highlight the real facts and figures according to the problem in hand. In this research approach the researcher used small sample from the population and evaluate them in detail to understand the view of the sample as representative of large population (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2009). The interpretivism theory played important role to produce end results from the collected data. In this research the researcher interacted with the environment but also looked for to make sense of it…show more content…
For this case the precision value was estimated to be ±10%. The sample was a stratified sample where the researcher divided the population into three stratums Njombe, Mufindi and Iringa urban. A stratified sampling is the modification of random sampling in which the population is divided into two or more relevant strata depending on the number of attributes (Saunders et al., 2009). The sample was picked from the number of transporters in each district as strata, of which each stratum was randomly selected for the respondents. From each stratum the respondents sampled depending on the proportional distribution of transporters from the districts. For Njombe the respondents were N0 (n1/N1), Mufindi N0 (n2/N1), and; Iringa urban N0 (n3/N1). Whereby N0 was assigned as sample size of the study, N1 the study population, n1, n2 and n3 stood for the population from Njombe, Mufindi and Iringa respectively; whereby “n” stood for the entire population. The sample taken from Njombe was 18 respondents, Mufindi 6 respondents and Iringa urban 46 respondents. The selections of respondents from each district were picked from sample interval of 3, in cases where the intended respondent wasn’t reachable; the next in the list was…show more content…
There were three organised groups comprising of 6 members, one group from each research district of Njombe, Iringa and Mufindi. The information from the focus discussion groups enabled to capture information from members on problems as to why the members think are the reasons for short life-span of transport business. The members of the focus group were owners, employees from transport sector, beneficiaries, Trade officers, Bankers, SUMATRA officers and retired business managers. For the focus group discussion, open end questionnaire were subjected to group members and captured information freely. Data analysis of focus group data were done manually. The data collected from the field were summarised to group related information and coded. The data coded were entered into SPSS package and later the frequencies were generated to get information on the group of answers. The frequencies helped the research to organise and have information for decision making. The focus group helps to cover areas where other methods have not captured the information. The information helps to support answering questions of the study where the interview and documentary have not captured to give information for decision

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