The Importance Of Quality Management In Nursing

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On January 1st 2005, The Health Service Executive became responsible for the provision of health and social services to the population of the Republic of Ireland. These services are delivered across Ireland in Hospitals, Health Centres and communities. The aim of many of the sectors within the HSE is Quality Improvement. the intent of a quality improvement activity is to identify a clinical performance or system process issue specific to the institution and implement an ongoing flexible system of evidence-based standard of care activities designed to improve outcomes in that setting (Strausmire, 2014). A fundamental role is leadership. Effective leadership is a fundamental prerequisites for the sustainable delivery of safe, effective person-centred…show more content…
They want to be assured of the quality of health care and require evidence that high standards are maintained and improved upon (Patel, 2010). International and Hospital standard development programmes lead to the efficient provision of safe, reliable and high quality care. It highlights gaps and deteriorations in the quality of service being provided. By addressing issues tackled by standard development programmes, we as nurses can radically improve patient outcomes (HIQA, 2012). A central component of quality improvement is the undertaking of clinical audits. Audits at all levels of our healthcare system are vital to guarantee the service is co-ordinated, fit for purpose and that staff are adhering to professional standards. In 1989, the company Xerox developed the concept of benchmarking (Patel, 2010). In this context, it is referred to as ‘the best possible achievable practise by professional consensus, having considered all available evidence’ (Ellis, 2000). When there is a failure in reaching set standards, or patient outcomes have been evidently poor, the audits underpin factors causing our downfalls and therefore allowing us to set priorities and make improvements. Wormald and Yorston (2010) state that “every time an audit cycle is completed, there should be further improvement to patient care”. Both benchmarking and auditing combined can be viewed as highly…show more content…
Communication A message that is easily understood and accepted is defined as effective communication (Chambers Clark, 2009). For leaders, their aim is to offer high quality and compassionate care through the means of clear, vital communication (West et al, 2014). In the absence of communication, nurses begin to feel dissatisfied and isolated in their clinical area. It is the responsibility of the leader to bridge these gaps in communication, build interpersonal relationships with other staff members, and thereby eradicate low staff morale. Developed by Bandura in 2001, Social Cognitive Theory comprises of the cognitive, emotional and behavioural aspects of change. It suggests that ‘if staff members are to perform a behaviour it is important to communicate what the behaviour is and how to achieve it, to support the behaviour, to model or observe the behaviour and to build confidence that the behaviour will appear again’ (Chambers Clark, 2009). In agreement with this statement, Huber (2014), also concurs that a nurse leader uses communication as a vital tool in undertaking work and achieving

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