Evidence Based Practice In Nursing

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The aim of this assignment is to promote a change in clinical practice in relation to nursing, supporting this change with evidence of best practice. The previous literature review findings will be briefly discussed, the recommendations from this, will be used to identify changes that will be introduced to practice. The meaning of evidence based practice and its importance relating to clinical governance will be discussed. Finally, change management theories will be discussed and using a chosen change management theory a change in clinical practice will be implemented. Further to the literature review findings, the aim of the proposed change will be to establish an effective oral care bundle to be used within the ICU. To enforce this proposed…show more content…
The aim of evidence based practice is primarily to help the nurse/practitioner to base their actions on best current evidence. Lack of research- based information to support clinical decision making is among the reasons for the demand of evidence based research as well as lack of research based guidelines and protocols to use in clinical practice, Overwhelming volume and variability of new information and an inadequacy of traditional sources of information(Courtney & McCutcheon, 2010). There are many definitions of Evidence based practice, the most widely cited definition from Sackett et al, defines Evidence based practice as "the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients"(Sackett et al, 1996).Evidence based practice allows nurses to find out the best practices and establish if and how these practices can be included in patient care. Wolff & Desch, 2005 state that "nurses practicing evidence based practice to inform decisions provide the highest quality and most effective care for…show more content…
The findings of the literature suggested that the actual mechanical obstructions of the mouth of an intubated patient contributed significantly towards the oral care given often putting the nurse off giving oral care out of fear of accidently pulling ET Tube out or compromising patient’s airway- often viewing the task as a “risky” procedure, highlighting the lack of education of how to correctly carry out the needed care. When looking at why the oral care being given was not being effective, the literature review found that often nurses lacked the education and training on oral care to carry it out correctly, therefore reducing its effectiveness. Furthermore it was found that nurses rarely relate the oral care given as a preventative measure for VAP (O`Reilly,

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