Nursing Mentoring

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Being a practice-based profession, nursing needs mentors to support students in clinical setting, as working with practitioners will help learning in a safe, supported and educationally modified environment (Beckett, 1984). In practice setting, students learn skills, acquire knowledge and achieve competencies where the mentors lay support for them. The role of a mentor is crucial in developing future generations of nurses and midwives. The mentor facilitates the learning environment that students can relate theory in practice and makes the classroom teachings valid. The role as a mentor has a duty towards the students, colleagues and more over towards the patients. Guiding students and helping to shape them for future roles can be greatly rewarding.…show more content…
Being passionate, with dynamic input can inspire students and thus induce a motivational influence and win respect and trust. By demonstrating effective leadership skills and being a role model, the nurses as mentors can enable molding of future nurses. Nurses with skills for driving forces are admired and regarded as an inspiration and role models for students and future nurses (Bondas, 2006). Nurses as leaders responds to the ever progressing heath care needs at organisational levels in accordance to local and national policies and guidelines. Thus nursing has become more outcomes focused, accountable, responsible, and autonomous and specialist profession and it rests with the mentors to prepare the students to meet the high expectations in relation to nursing care by service users (Adair, 2002). Students learning from mentors also understand how to demonstrate resilience in phases of changes and how to do it as a team. Tobin (2004) identified mentor as role model, teacher, coach, sponsor, confidante, agent, and adviser. Other qualities including self-confidence, maturity, resourcefulness, empathy and a willingness to commit time and energy for others were seen as the important characters of a mentor (Comte-Sponville, 2003). Mentees also wanted mentors to provide constructive criticism as they progress (Vanderstam, 2005). Nickitas, Keida, Nokes, and Neville (2004) suggested creating partnership between nurse mentors and students as a way of ensuring nursing leaderships in future and thus maintaining the core values of nursing and leadership. Mentees required collaboration and encouragement from mentors to learn skills of problem solving and communication. But Bally, 2007 suggests that nursing mentors are greatly shaped and influenced by ones own organisational culture. Mentors as leaders has a great

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