Humanism In The Story Of The Old Jat

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Anis had witnessed the return of so many girls who had been abducted and sold by thanedars or constables only for few rupees. But the story of an old Jat was an exception in this atmosphere of distrust. One day this old Jat found a young Mewati girl weeping behind some rocks. She did not know if any of her relatives were alive. He told her, “Beti, you’re the child of my conscience, my dharambeti. No harm will come to you” (285; ch. 17). Later on, with the consent of the two, he let her married with his nephew according to Hindu rites. But weeks later her real father reached and wanted to get her back. The old Jat gladly allowed her to go to her real father and said, “…our door will always be open to you, regardless of whether your husband accepts you or not. Don’t hesitate, just come and I shall keep you like a princess” (286; ch. 17). The writer specially mentioned this story of the old Jat only to state that nobility and humanity are still alive within some people in the debris of hatred and violence. The old Jat had proved that love and nonviolence are the only way to win over any crisis in human life.…show more content…
Human nature itself includes both selfishness and cruelty on the one hand and compassion and fellow feeling on the other. But humanism will help to subdue the cruel nature and focus only on what is just. Anis presented such a description of an old woman who had been cruelly treated by a group of Pathan captors who wanted to sell her for Rs 20. Three poor farmers somehow managed that money and let her free from the Pathans’ capture. For three days they took care of her and on the fourth they took her to Wagah border and handed to the Indian Police for her safe

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