Nursing Essentials

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The Essentials The “Essentials” document supports the transformation of nursing education programs by laying the groundwork from which to build the nursing curriculum. The expected outcomes of graduates such as to achieve knowledge, skills, and attitudes preparing them to practice within complex healthcare systems are well defined (AACN, 2008). The priorities of the 21st century related to nursing education focus on disease prevention and geriatric care because of the healthcare professional shortage that is expected to intensify, as 78 million baby-boomers age and healthcare needs increase (Brandon, 2010). As the baby-boomers enter retirement age, the prevalence of chronic illnesses is expected to dramatically increase. Therefore, patient…show more content…
The “Essentials” guide the master’s program students toward a specialty in advanced nursing to prepare nurses to become leaders and lead the movement to improve quality measures. Leadership is an important skill for guiding the Master’s prepared nurse in ethical and critical decision-making and building effective working relationships which help to promote high quality and safe patient care (AACN, 2011). The graduate nurse must be articulate in performance measures, policy development processes, employ advocacy strategies, and apply principles within an organization; these types of professional developments help nurses to prepare themselves for specific roles while staying current with practice as healthcare continues to change and…show more content…
Faculty is expected to educate to meet the demands put forth by the ever changing and evolving healthcare technologies. To meet these expectations, policies and regulations need to stay current as well; unfortunately state and federal policy makers have failed to identify innovation in nursing education as a priority, thereby setting up barriers (NCSBN, 2009). To remove the barriers and meet these educational innovations, faculty must focus on improving communication and forming better collaboration among education, regulation and practice (NCSBN, 2009). For nursing to advance and continue to stay current with healthcare, advances in education, practice, and regulation need be developed along with new approaches to nursing
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