The Importance Of Motivation

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Introduction Motivation is the most imperative issue that educators can target in order to improve learning. Many theories have been recommended to explain motivation. However each of these theories has some truth, no single theory looks to sufficiently explain all human motivation. The fact is that human beings in general and students in particular are complex creatures with complex wishes and needs. With look to students, very little if any learning can occur unless students are motivated on a consistent basis. The five key elements impacting student motivation are: student, teacher, satisfied, method/process, and environment. The focus of this article is to provide the educator with suggestions from each of the five key ingredient areas…show more content…
Importance of motivation Most motivation theorists assume that motivation is involved in the performance of all learned responses; that is, a learned behavior will not occur unless it is energized. The major question among psychologists, in general, is whether motivation is a primary or secondary influence on behavior. That is, are changes in behavior better explained by principles of environmental/ecological influences, perception, memory, cognitive development, emotion, explanatory style, or personality or are concepts unique to motivation more pertinent. Explanations of influences/causes of arousal and direction may be different from explanations of persistence In general, explanations regarding the source(s) of motivation can be categorized as either extrinsic (outside the person) or intrinsic (internal to the person). Intrinsic sources and corresponding theories can be further subcategorized as either body/physical, mind/mental (i.e., cognitive/thinking, affective/emotional, conative/volitional) or transpersonal/spiritual. What Is Student…show more content…
But it also concerns the reasons or goals that underlie their involvement or noninvolvement in academic activities. Although students may be equally motivated to perform a task, the sources of their motivation may differ. There are many different theories of motivation. In Educational Psychology, we focus specifically on motivation for learning rather than for behavior. The major types of motivation for learning are intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation comes from within the student or from factors essential in the task being performed. For example, students who love to read are intrinsically motivated to read - there is something about reading that they enjoy and that makes them want to do it even if there is no "reward" for it. Extrinsic motivation comes from sources external to the student and the task. It can come through praise, recognition, or a system of rewards. For example, for students who do not enjoy reading, a token economy involving stickers or a class store may prompt them to read more
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