Comparison Of Napoleon In Animal Farm

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As stated by Lord Acton of England “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” A position of power always leads to corruption, while some cases are significantly more evident than others, every leader, king, and queen has experienced corruption as a consequent of their rise to power. Nero of ancient Rome was born on December 15th 37 in Modern day Italy and during the first six months of his rule was civil and humane, however, as ¬his rule continued he became sick with power. Napoleon of Animal Farm, an allegory for the Russian revolution, is a pig, and under the pretense that he was developing a communism, he developed a dictatorship. Both Napoleon in Animal Farm by George Orwell and Nero of ancient Rome demonstrate how…show more content…
Napoleon led a cruel farm, and the animals followed, believing that everyone was equal. The most devoted worker, who could do the work of 3 other animals, was just another pawn for Napoleon. With bullets in his leg from defending the farm, Boxer’s lung collapses and the other animals reads the escort, and ultimately the fate he was subjected to “Do you understand what that means? They are taking Boxer to the knacker’s! (Orwell 123) Despite that Boxer was the farm’s best worker, to Napoleon there was no sentimental attachment, with no guilt in his heart, Boxer’s worth boiled down to just a cask of whiskey. Nero of Ancient Rome has one of the cruelest tales, as his only care for the public was if it would benefit himself. There was a great fire that burned for a week, which destroyed 3 of 14 roman districts, however Nero did not help the public through this, he did the contrary. It is unsure if Nero started the fire however, “[Nero] accused Christians of starting the fire to remove suspicion from himself.” (Tacitus) Nero did not care for the Christian public and began executing, arresting, and crucifying them, for a disaster which he might have caused. With the power he had, instead of valuing the thousands of Christians, his morality grew corrupt, and he valued the validity of his rule over the lives of thousands of Christians, and executed them for his mistake. With great power, the well-being of the public is irrelevant unless it clashes the leader’s rule; the more power they have the more corrupt they grow, as the development of corruption increases, the morality
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