Importance Of Motivation In Learning

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Motivation is the key to supporting and advancing the learning of children and young people within my class. Motivation affects the nature of an individual’s behaviour, the strength of the behaviour, and the persistence of the behaviour. There are many approaches to motivation: physiological, behavioural, cognitive and social. It is the crucial element on setting and achieving goals. Although activities are incorporated into lesson plans to engage children and young people in class, essentially, we are trying to motivate them to complete these activities to a satisfactory outcome to advance their learning. Children and young people do things because they want to, as they are naturally curious. If a child makes a choice that is self-benefiting,…show more content…
The introduction of the Five-Year Strategy for Children and Learners in 2004, focused on adapting education to the needs of individual children or young people under the direction of the class teacher. This was to build effective relationships with children and young people and as a HLTA a range of communication skills are needed. Most of our understanding of communication comes through non-verbal indications and messages that are given out by us all. We are not always aware of these gestures but we need to use these sensitively as they could mean something different in another culture. Non-verbal communication is important, as rooted within these signals, that we send and receive, are hints to attitude and feelings that may not be available in the spoken word. Some of the non-verbal cues we give out when we speak to people are: • Self presentation - how we look, hair,…show more content…
Questioning is another way of supporting and advancing the learning of children and young people. Questioning can be used for many reasons to check whether they understand the subject or to get feedback. However, some children may have difficulty answering the question and will therefore need additional support in the way of prompts. These may be verbal prompts - giving part of the sentence, hints, referring to parts of the lesson gestural prompts - pointing to an object or modelling behaviour physical prompts - guiding a child through movement skills. As well as these prompts a HLTA needs to be aware of different styles of learning so that every child or young person can understand the question. The styles of learning are visual - pictures, gestures diagrams and models can stimulate learning auditory - verbal prompts, explanations and questions can stimulate learning kinaesthetic - physical prompts in addition to using movement can stimulate

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