The Importance Of Motivation In The Classroom

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Before the class start, the classroom is okay and the students looks like comfortable with their place. Situation of the classroom, the environment, the comfortable of the students, the noise that have in the classroom, and the condition of the students in the classroom are important factors that the teacher should take noted before begins the teaching and learning session. situational factors is really important to the teachers in make sure their students can learn and understanding the learning. In the classroom setting, student motivation refers to the degree to which a student puts effort into and focus on learning in order to achieve successful outcomes. Motivation and engagement are very important for sound student learning. Sternberg (2005) believes that motivation is very important for school success, in its absence the student never may make an effort to learn. For students to be successful in inclusive settings, their classroom behavior must be consistent with teachers’ demands and academic expectations and must promote their learning and socialization with peers. A good classroom management system recognizes the close relationship between positive behavior and effective instruction. Learning Behaviors or Activities…show more content…
They participated in all the learning task even the challenging and boring ones. These are all the attributes. Motivation and engagement are important factors that guide behavior and as a result, it is very important for teachers like me to understand and use this knowledge in our teaching. By knowing how intrinsic and extrinsic motivations and engagement relate to students and their learning, the teacher is well placed to provide a more supportive environment for student learning and their own

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