The Importance Of Mentoring In Education

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As it is hinted above, in the past, the tradition was that mentoring was considered as a context only for pre-service teachers’ learning and development, but in recent times, the idea and practice of it has been accepted as workplace professional learning and development for both novice and veteran teachers (Boreen, Johnson, Niday & Potts, 2009). Therefore, mentoring can also be done for newly qualified and experienced teachers while they are in their workplace. The idea is that attention has been given to the professional development of novices to help them manage their transition from student-teacher to the profession of teaching, and for this reason, the concept of workplace mentoring for them has got popular acceptance to give them access…show more content…
In order to achieve continuous professional development, mentorship has a great deal of contribution for experienced teachers especially from the perspective of reflective practice and reflective practitioner (Goodwyn, 1997). Veterans need to be and become reflective practitioners in order to be true and good models for others, and to be so, mentoring is an important means for them (Goodwyn, 1997). For them, the interaction with prospective teachers, novices, or among themselves is an excellent stimulus for reflection: helps them to look afresh at the familiar features of the classroom through discovering new possibilities in the process of mentoring (Goodwyn, 1997). To the mentor, other benefits of workplace mentoring include feedback, reciprocal learning, knowledge and skills development, cognitive rejuvenation, expanded awareness of environment, creativity, and sense of purpose and fulfilment (Klinge, 2015). In this view, the reflective mentor is a kind of person and professional who offers wisdom and support to others to develop their practice and succeed in their professional lives (Goodwyn,…show more content…
Related to these, it has key role in creating and sustaining learning communities in the organization as it counters the tradition of isolated teaching through facilitating greater communication and openness to learning and development in the organization (Klinge, 2015). In such organization, it is an important means for enhancing human resource development to enhance employees’ performance through collaborative learning and creation and transfer of knowledge among employees in it (Klinge,

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