Benefits Of Mentoring

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Is Mentoring a Stepping Stone to Personal and Professional growth of a Student? Introduction: Mentoring is a professional activity, a trusted relationship, a meaningful commitment. The origins of mentoring can be traced back to ancient Greece as a technique to impart to young men important social, spiritual and personal values. Mentoring is a joint venture. Successful mentoring requires both parties share responsibility for learning and sustaining the relationship. Effective mentors promote an interdependent relationship with their mentees that involves a developmental perspective. That is, effective mentors assume a position of respect and patience , guide rather than tell, model learning by learning from the mentee and provide challenges…show more content…
Benefits of Mentoring in Higher Education: Mentoring empowers a diverse range of students to share their opinions, ideas, knowledge and experiences. Mentoring creates an environment of trust, belonging, understanding,support and encouragement for a diverse student force. It give students an opportunity to voice their concerns, overcome hurdles and find solutions. As a result it inspires students to perform to their highest ability. Mentoring helps the new entrants to embrace institute?s culture and demonstrates the institute?s commitment to students, which bond them to the institute. Mentoring relationships increase student?s engagement by offering space for dialogue and regular feedback. As a result, mentoring creates clarity on various issues such as the importance of one?s role , his/her expectations, career advancement and reward. Group mentoring is useful for new entrants where they are linked to their seniors in the form of peer group mentoring. The new students benefit from establishing multiple connections. The varied knowledge accessed by the new entrant plus the interactions within the group are what makes MBA program a…show more content…
learning experiences. The nature of post graduate education demands that students utilise a variety of learning approaches depending upon the task at hand and the particular discipline. Researchers have discovered that students tend to use the approach to learning that their instructors uses to teaching. Teach in a deep approach and your students will tend to adopt a deep approach to their own learning. Teach with a surface approach and your students will approach their learning in a surface way ( Prosser and Trigwell,1999). Surface learning occurs most often in subjects where there is a large information based tend to view learning as the acquisition of facts and information. These type of learners do not identify themselves with their work and as a result, learning is based on memorization before or rather than understanding( Meyer and

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