Importance Of Instructional Supervision

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CHAPTER I The Problem and Its Background Introduction Supervision in general is the activity performed by supervisors to manage the efficiency and progress of subordinates who report straight to the supervisors. Supervision can be defined in many different ways but is essentially a conversation between professionals at all levels of experience, not only for people in training. Supervision is aimed at promoting learning, reflective practice and improving patient safety and the quality of patient care. Supervision, as a field of educational practice with clearly delineated roles and responsibilities, did not fall from the sky fully formed. Rather, supervision emerged gradually as a distinct practice, always in relation to the institutional, academic,…show more content…
To supervise the quality of education, most of the authorities greatly depend on the process of school supervision. Instructional supervision is one of the processes by which school administrators attempt to attain satisfactory standards of performance and results. It is the means of quality control in the school system and a stage of school administration which focuses mostly upon the attainment of suitable expectation of educational system. Faculties, whether new or old on the teaching profession must give necessary support in implementing the instructional programmes, school heads therefore, need to provide this support to the faculty members, they have to be involved in the implementation of instructional programmes by overseeing what teachers are doing with the students (Sule,…show more content…
At the tertiary level, how supervisors should proficiently support while working with teachers was the discussion about the field of instructional supervision and was a main derive for developing the different supervision models because; different models produced different practices. The aim was to increase for the best method by which supervisors could best improve the teachers’ performance; endow them with the necessary assistance; for the total school improvement and providing quality education for the

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