Ethical Issues In My Life

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The aim of this paper is to discuss and elaborate on a significant ethical decision in my life that will enhance my understanding on the importance of ethics and how it is communicated. This essay will explain to the audience about the consequences of making that choice, what lesson was gained from my experience, and what was instilled in me from my family values. Ethical situations happen every day whether anyone is aware or not. The authors of the text state when ethical issues may arise in the following: Ethical issues may arise in human behavior whenever that behavior could have significant impact on other persons, when the behavior involves a conscious choice of means and ends, and when the behavior can be judged by standards of right and wrong. (p. 1) On Friday, May 12, 2006, I experienced a traumatic event that still lives with me today. On this day, the Franklin Parish High School held graduation, and my cousin Sean and I were at home alone due to my mother having to work. She assigned him to babysit, but he chose to attend graduation with his friends. Before he left, he said, “I will be right back, so do not go anywhere.” At that given moment, I began to rationalize on whether to tell my mother about his actions, or do my own thing without getting caught. Of course, I…show more content…
Instead, a 2006 Ford F-150 struck me on my path to home. I cut in between two vehicles to cross the street, and I failed to look both ways before crossing. The truck threw me into the air, and I came down hard, busted the windshield, and bounced off the truck hitting the ground head first. I was dazed, but all I could think about was making it home before anyone found out; however, I had to go to the hospital. As I was put into the ambulance, I heard my aunt in the distance. I came to the realization that I was caught, and I knew I was in for a rude awakening when the message arrived to my

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