Reflective Essay On Service Learning

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I was not very excited about going for service learning because mid-semester breaks are the periods that I always use to relax and catch-up on some of the courses that I feel I am behind. However, because I had to do it, I started searching for an organization with a good cause and at the same time, a cause that I am passionate about. I had many alternatives such as Future of Africa, New Dawn and NewLeaf Ghana to choose from. Both Future of Africa and New Dawn sent emails soliciting for service learning students. On the other hand, I was a member of NewLeaf from 2014 to 2015. Ever since then, I have always been in contact with its founder, so I told her about my intention of doing my service learning with them since they were restructuring. She was very excited that I showed interest in working with them. Among the 3 alternatives, I finally decided to do my service learning with NewLeaf Ghana because though the other organization’s cause was also education, I believed that because NewLeaf Ghana was restructuring, I could do more and be more impactful. NewLeaf is a mentoring project designed to train Presbyterian Senior High School students, a school located in Aburi in the areas of self-awareness, leadership, effective communication…show more content…
Proper project management was the reason why I was able to do a lot of things which include designing curriculum, Business Model Canvas, Organizational Structure and Fundraising Plan. I came to understand that when a project is properly managed, time is always maximized. This is because, as mentioned initially, I was not excited about going for service learning because I have always reserved my mid-semester breaks for relaxation and catching-up. But due to proper project management, I was able to save time to relax and catch-up since I used five days (Monday - Friday) for my service learning and then Saturday and Sunday for relaxing and

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