The Importance Of Media On Society

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Media is a form of communication. It is used to receive and send information to a number of people. The 'One-to-many' traditional communication such as television, radio and prints has allowed individuals to connect with the world on a larger scale. Media is set apart from other communications because it is impersonal. The medium may have an ideal audience, however they do not have personal knowledge of who each reader is. Therefore, it is a one way system that can be physically and technologically distant. Simultaneously, the potential for a larger global audience increases (Dutton et al. 1998). Recently new media such as mobile phones and computers have changed the way in which we communicate. It is now possible for both the media and individuals to communicate one-to-one, one-to-many and also many-to-many. This is one characteristic of new media that has impacted greatly on…show more content…
This is also known as the class dominant theory. It suggests that the bourgeoisie's ownership and control over these corporations allows for a great deal of power. This power is capable of shaping and influencing the view of individuals. With that said, those who own and control media institutions exercise a great deal of power. Looking at a deterministic approach, this could have an effect on the actions of the people due to the control over the flow of topics that are discussed within media. As the media is linked to a political and ideological superstructure within a capitalist society; it propagates values and morals that support the status quo. This can be seen through support for capitalism and justifying social inequalities within society. Milliband (1969) suggests that the ruling class are capable of reinforcing certain ideologies as they share a common background both cultural and economic. Therefore the media teaches and ideology that favours the bourgeois’

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