The Importance Of Press Freedom

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Press freedom takes influential place in a country. It represent citizen’s freedom of speech. Media can expose news without obstructer or any controls by government and organizations. There should not be control over the press. As press freedom is necessary for the preventability of corruption, development of economy and maintenance of democracy. One of the advantages of press freedom is it can help to control on the level of corruption. A country which has higher press freedom tends to lower corruption in government or some private’s agents (Brunetti & Weder, 2003). Sometimes countries might think press free threats the stable of political and it might easy be controlled by different organizations. However, again the most persuasive idea comes…show more content…
According to Smaele, in all dissident movements in Eastern-Europe the demand for democracy was accompanied by the demand for a free press. For example, in Russia, Gorbachev stressed the importance of glasnost’ (not the equivalent of press freedom but a step in that direction) as a sine qua non for democratic reform (Gorbachev, 1987: 91). Yeltsin affirmed that he could not conceive of a democratic society ‘without the freedom of expression and the press’ (radio address, cited in Moskvosky Komsomolets, 15 March 1997: 1). And also Putin stressed the relationship: ‘without a truly free media, Russian democracy will not survive’ (statement to the Russian Parliament, 8 July 2000 cited in Mereu, 2000). Press freedom is a link between citizens and their government, helping they communicate mutually. Media plays an important role in press freedom. Citizens are easy to know government’s behavior through the media, such as whether the government realize their policy and whether the government official make a great profit from a public infrastructure. In other words, it can monitor our government .If media suffer from being controlled, then it will mean the defeat of press freedom, and mean that the news which citizen will receive may be false .If so, corruption will never be exposed, which will do a great harm to democracy. What’s more, it can help the government understand the true situation of citizen and their demand .Therefore, government will pay more attention to citizens and then try their best to make them lead better
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